The present IDA rate is 114.8% for CPSU Employees. IDA calculation for October 2016 has been started. Expected IDA hike from October 2016 for CPSU Employees may be between 4.5 to 5.3%. The IDA w.e.f.
01-October-2016 depends upon the Average All India Consumer Price Index
Numbers (Industrial Worker) of the months June-2016, July-2016 &
of the months June-2016, July-2016 & August-2016 are likely
to be declared at the end of July-2016, August-2016 &
September-2016 respectively. Top 10 Projections are given below-
The AICPIN of the months-
June-2016 : ---
July-2016 :
: ---
The Average AICPIN: ---
The expected IDA hike from October 2016 for CPSU Employees :
May be between 4.5% to 5.3%.
Top 10
S. N. Avg. AICPIN Projected Projected
IDA % Increase %
1. 275.00 117.7 2.9
2. 275.33 117.9 3.1
3. 275.67 118.2 3.4
4. 276.00 118.5 3.7
5. 276.33 118.7 3.9
6. 276.67 119.0 4.2
7. 277.00 119.3 4.5
8. 277.33 119.5 4.7
9. 277.67 119.8 5.0
10. 278.00 120.1 5.3